Creating Spaces for Hope and Inspiration
April 16, 2019
Eton Properties reports record 2018 performance
May 3, 2019Here’s How You Can Prepare for An Earthquake

In surviving any disaster, preparation is key, and the measures you take now may save the lives of the people you love in the future. There are several ways to prepare for an earthquake and we have outlined the most important ones for you to take note of below.

Plan ahead
Assign a meeting place for your family that every member knows how to get to. Have a contact person outside of your area who could receive and relay messages.

Create your Family Emergency Communication Plan to ensure that all your household members know how to get in touch with each other and where to meet up in an emergency.

Have an evacuation strategy
If the earthquake hits while you’re at home, devise a plan to evacuate everyone safely, including pets.

Shakeproof your home
Make sure all furniture and décor are secure and won’t topple or crash to the ground when an earthquake hits.

Have a disaster kit ready
Important items to include are food, water, can opener, flash light, lighter, candles, battery operated radio, batteries, duct tape, rope, multipurpose knife tool, first aid kit, reusable utensils and food containers, whistle, powerbank, towels, dust mask, closed shoes, and an extra set of home and car keys.

Duck, cover, and hold
When an earthquake hits, drop down where you are and cover your head. Best to stay beside large and sturdy furniture that could help shield you from impact. (Find out more about the “triangle of life.”

Check for hazards
When the quaking stops, check for injuries, and damage to home electrical wires, gas lines, walls, floors, and water pipes.
Make sure that you’re also armed with emergency hotlines just in case.
National Disaster and Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)
Trunklines: (02) 911-5061 to 65
Operations Center: (02)911-1406, (02)912-2665, (02)912-5668, (02) 911-1873
Red Cross
Hotline: 143, (02) 527-0000, (02) 527-8385 to 95
Disaster Management Office: 134 (Staff), 132 (Manager), 133 (Radio Room)
Philippine National Police (PNP)
Hotline: 117
Bureau of Fire Protection (NCR)
Direct line: (02) 426-0219, (02) 426-3812, (02)426-0246
Source: Official Gazette